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imam hasan al askari - 888slot

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imam hasan al askari - 888slot

Imam Hasan al-Askari. This text contains a detailed biography of the life, lineage, and circumstances of our eleventh Imam [a]. Apart from detailing the life of the Imam [a], the author also discusses the tafsir (exegesis) of the Qur'an that is attributed to him, as well as lists and describes all the companions of his who narrated traditions ...

Imam Askari. The Imam in Confinement. The most unique aspects of the Imamat of Imam Askari (AS) were his efforts to protect the life of his son, Imam Mahdi (AS), and preparing the Shias for Imam Mahdi's occultation. Imam Askari kept the birth of Imam Mahdi a secret, even from his family members.

The Eleventh Imam, Hasan ibn 'Ali (al-Askari) (as) Born in Madina on the 10th of Rabuil Akhar 232 Hijri ( 6.12.846 AD) Died in Samarrah Iraq on 8th of Rabiul Awwal 260 Hijri (4.1.874) aged 28 years. Period of Imamate 6 years. Samarra (Surre Mun Ra') was a garrison town about 60 miles north of Baghdad.

Imam al-Askari. Published at. 2023-10-24 00:00:00. Author: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi. Historians agreed unanimously that Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) was the richest scientific personality in his talents at his time, and no one was ever comparable to him in virtue and knowledge.

Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad (bahasa Arab: حسن بن علي بن محمد) yang masyhur dengan Imam Hasan Askari (232-260 H) adalah Imam kesebelas bagi para pengikut Syiah Itsna Asyariyah yang memimpin selama 6 tahun. Dia adalah anak Imam Hadi as dan ayah Imam Zaman as .

Imam Hassan al-Askari [AS] was forced to reside in the Caliphal military camp in the new Abbasid capital of Samarra in Northern Iraq, askar having that meaning in the Arabic of that time of 'camp'. Therefore Imam Hassan al-Askari [AS] known as such because of his forced residence in that military camp.

A biography of Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Askari (a.s.), the eleventh imam of the infallible imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). Learn about his noble lineage, virtues, knowledge, piety, resistance, and influence on the Islamic nation and the Prophet's family.

Hasan ibn Ali ibn Muhammad better known as Hassan al-Askari was a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. He is the eleventh of the Twelve Imams, those whom Allah had kept uncleanness away from and purified a thorough purifying (cf Qur'an 33: 33), and also made their affection obligatory on the entire Muslims (Qur'an 42: 23). His Lineage.

read. Words of Light. A good collection of maxims and wonderful words on different social and educational issues were transmitted from Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.), and these are considered to be from the treasures of the Islamic literature. Here we present to readers some of the imam's wonderful sayings: The Preference of The Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)

Hasan al-Asykari (Arab: الإمام الحسن بن علي العسكري) (lahir 6 Desember 846 - 1 Januari 874), adalah Imam Syi'ah ke-11. Ia dilahirkan dengan nama Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad. Hasan al-Asykari berumur 22 tahun ketika ayahnya terbunuh

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